perjantai 19. maaliskuuta 2010

Celibacy is a bogeyman

Celibacy causes - has always caused damage of the brain, the reason is not masturbation as in old bogeyman books was said. Celibacy - in God's name! - makes men mad, no wonder, so constraned it is. How many millions of boys have been shattered by Catholic church in its hístory? How many poor men have been cheated to give their lives for that man made God - Catholic church is not the only guilty one. Gods are man made, where/what is Godhood?

keskiviikko 17. maaliskuuta 2010

One baby in every month dies for abuse by their parents in Finland

Its terrible. The holy home should not be untouchable. Home can be a Hell for kids. As well as for innocent, needy pets. We need a helpless pet to show our power, and babies to lose our nerves.


Minut  on kasvatettu liberaalisti, täysin suvaitsevaksi, erilaisuutta arvostavaksi. Äidin, yksinhuoltajan periaatteena oli se, että jokaisel...